Getting Used To Wearing Hearing Aids

If you are new to wearing hearing aids, it can take some time to adjust to hearing normally again. It can also be an adjustment to wearing the hearing aid and becoming comfortable with which side to put each one in. Discover our easy reminders to wearing your hearing aids. The more you wear your hearing aids, the more comfortable they will become and they will become second nature to put in. Hearing aids are designed to improve your life, no matter what age you are, and one of the many benefits of them are to help reduce tinnitus symptoms. In addition to the physical benefits of wearing a hearing aid, they can also improve your lifestyle, including relationships and greater independence for those who have advanced hearing loss.

The first step for hearing aids is to see a professional audiologist who can properly asses your hearing loss. Hearing aids have evolved over the years and today’s' technology allows for smaller devices, invisible-in-canal or behind-the-ear options. Dr. Srour provides in-depth hearing tests to examine and determine what type will work best for your needs. She will review the process of how to wear them, when not to wear them as well as some tips for maintaining and using your new hearing aids.

How To Tell Your Left Hearing Aid From The Right

One of the most commonly asked questions for new hearing aid wearers is how to tell which side they should go in. The devices are specific to either the left or right ear but luckily Dr. Srour has an easy tip for remembering which one goes into the right ear and which belongs in the left!

When you first open the hearing aid case, you will see that the have two different colors for the in ear piece. One is going to be red and the other is going to be blue. The best way to remember which hearing aid goes into the right ear is red for right, this means that the blue one is designed for your left ear.

Your Home Audiologist and EarSpa both provide mobile services, making scheduling a hearing test that much easier. Even if you have had hearing aids for a while, it is important to ensure that they still function properly to give you the best hearing possible. Dr. Srour is available to answer questions that may arise before, during or after an appointment. Contact Dr. Srour to schedule your appointment today, and stay tuned for more tips for wearing your hearing aids properly.

Dr. Jennifer Srour

Dr. Srour has been in the field of Audiology for over twelve years. She holds advanced certification in Cochlear Implants and professional certification in Ear Cleaning. In 2021, Dr. Srour decided to start researching new and holistic ways of helping others hear and heal. She found Ear Acupressure which includes holistic treatment protocols not just for the inner ear, such as tinnitus and dizziness, but the entire body and body systems. She offers home visits for all services, providing clients ease of scheduling. Contact her today to learn more or to book an appointment.


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