Ear Seeds Use and Benefits of Ear Acupressure

Ear seeds are tiny acupressure devices that are placed in your ear. They are a type of auriculotherapy, which is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that focuses on areas of the ear. While they may be small, they can help to relieve pain, anxiety, insomnia and more. They are a needle free version of acupuncture.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the ear is regarded as a microsystem: a miniature representation of the entire body. The ear resembles an upside-down baby, with the lobe representing the head, the interior ridge representing the spine, and the internal organs as well as the recessed areas. Pressure applied to various spots of the ear during the ear seeding process can stimulate that point of the body. And when it does, it can assist you in a variety of ways.

How Ear Seeds Work

The seeds are applied to specific points on the outer ear and use an adhesive to keep them in place. The points are then massaged a few times. There are specific points on the ear that align with acu-points where the blood, nerve, lymph and connective tissue meet. One should monitor the ear seeds after they have been applied, and not wear them for longer than 5 days. After they have been applied, you apply slight pressure and massage the seeds in a circular motion for up to 3 minutes.

Types of Ear Seeds

In traditional Chinese medicine, ear seeds are actual seeds of the Vaccaria plant and are similar in size to a poppy seed. This herb can help get blood moving as well as reducing swelling. Today’s seeds are mostly going to be made of steel, silver, gold, ceramic, crystal or even magnets, however the Vaccaria seeds are still commonly used. Some ear seeds can even be a hand embellished design that look more like jewelry than an acupressure tool.

Benefits of Using Ear Seeds

Ear seeding has many different benefits and everyone can wear them. Some of the most common issues or symptoms that ear seeds can help improve include:

  • Chronic pain

  • Lower back pain

  • Insomnia

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Nausea

  • Infertility

  • Migraines

  • Tinnitus

  • Addition

  • Weight loss

  • and more!

Ear seeds are not meant to be a cure for any of these conditions, rather they help relieve symptoms. The most common reason people try using ear seeds to to help relive pain, including menstrual pain. An advantage to using ear seeds is it is more comfortable than using needles, and are a better option for those who are needle-adverse.

For those who have high blood pressure, using ear seeds in conjunction with blood pressure medicine can be more effective. auriculotheraphy can also help imrove symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression by rubbing the seeds to help calm the wearer.

Are There Risks of Using Ear Seeds?

Ear seeds are a good option for those who don’t want acupuncture, or don’t like needles. They can cause less discomfort and infection compared to using needles. While there are many benefits to utilizing this holistic approach and the risk of use is very low, there are some side effects to be aware of.

Because a small adhesive is used, it could irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction. It is important to note if you have any latex or metal allergy. When removing the seeds, it is important to lean slightly forward and tilt your ear down. Ear seeds are very small and can fall into your ear canal, so when removing you want to be especially careful to avoid them falling inwards.

Although rare, some people can experience dizziness, sleepiness or nausea after applying and using ear seeds. You will also want to avoid using ear seeds if your ears are dry, cracked or if you have scratches or other injuries to your skin. The application can cause more irritation. Watch for any redness, swelling, soreness or tenderness and speak with your health professional if any of these appear when wearing them. The most common side effects of irritation come from when the ear seeds are worn for too long without rotation or removal.

How To Safely Apply Ear Seeds

For those looking to use ear seeds for the first time, it is recommended to visit a specialist like Dr. Srour at EarSpa. Instructions are provided and you can learn the best way to use the ear seeds as well as learning how to apply in the future. It is also recommended to speak with a professional before to decide which points are best for you as well as getting your ears marked so it can be easier to do at home.

Placement needs to be precise and will vary depending on which pressure points you are best for your ailments. Here’s what to expect when you go to get your first, or any, ear seeds applied:

  1. Your ear will be cleaned, typically with alcohol

  2. Seeds will be applied, held with waterproof tape or adhesive

  3. Wear for 3-5 days

  4. Given at home instructions for how to gently massage and the amount of pressure

  5. Carefully remove them, avoiding having them fall into your ear canal

After applying ear seeds for the first time, or any time after, it is important to keep an eye on them. Look out for any rash that may appear. When it is time to remove them use tweezers and tilt your head towards the ground. Give your ears some rest between using ear seeds to avoid any aggravation or irritation.

At Home Application of Ear Seeds

It is possible to apply ear seeds at home, especially after your first or second professional application and instruction. You will want to know which points are best for your needs, many kits have instructions for the different points relating to the position in the ear.

Regardless of it you apply ear seeds at home or by a professional, you should keep a record of where you place ear seeds so you know for the future. You can track how you are feeling, the length of time worn and any adverse effects that can be discussed with Dr. Srour to find a routine that may work better.

Scheduling An Appointment For Ear Seeds

Contact Dr. Srour at EarSpa today to learn more about the benefits of ear seeds and to schedule your first appointment. Dr. Srour also sells ear seeds for at home use. If you experience any type of chronic pain, using ear seeds can be a holistic approach to helping alleviate some pain. Call today to schedule your appointment.

Dr. Jennifer Srour

Dr. Srour has been in the field of Audiology for over twelve years. She holds advanced certification in Cochlear Implants and professional certification in Ear Cleaning. In 2021, Dr. Srour decided to start researching new and holistic ways of helping others hear and heal. She found Ear Acupressure which includes holistic treatment protocols not just for the inner ear, such as tinnitus and dizziness, but the entire body and body systems. She offers home visits for all services, providing clients ease of scheduling. Contact her today to learn more or to book an appointment.


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